Monday, December 5, 2011

On writing: Beginning a new novel

For about three weeks I've been making notes on the protagonist for my new novel. I started writing Saturday night. After a few beers...and a few glasses of wine...I opened another beer and suddenly I was typing full-out.

An hour and a half later I had the first three pages well as a bunch of plot notes and even had the ending fully written out.

On Sunday, over coffee, I  read what I had written, expecting to begin deleting. Instead I really liked what I had down, and, besides [quite] a few typos, may have captured the feel I was going for. Even though it's early yet, Paul [the main character] is filling out nicely, and even with all of his predicted weaknesses and mishaps, seems to be someone I'm going to enjoy spending the next year or two with.  Probably over a few beers.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

On writing: The dreaded SYNOPSIS

The book's done. It's good; I'm really happy with it.

My query letter is written...not so good.. It needs work. An agent won't read my book if they aren't intrigued by the query. I'm trying...even getting some professional help. [Thanks Gary!]

Onto the synopsis. Somehow, I'm to put the main plot lines of the story into a  one or two page summary...keeping it interesting, hitting the key points and leaving out the mundane.

This is hell.

I  made progess on it tonight, but the professional procrastinator that I am, I made more progress on my notes for my next book...actually for my next protagonist. He's starting to really form for me, and what he's up against is no fun...especially with his limited skill set and built in weaknesses.

The thing is, I'm starting to love this guy, and, the story is beginning to form--organically [Thanks Beck!] ...without me forcing it.

And this is why I'm addicted to writing...I may even be getting better at it...[not counting tonight...I'm posting from an Irish Pub in Raleigh with internet access...]