Saturday, July 30, 2011

Writers write

I just received a rejection on a submission that has been out since early June. For some reason I had my hopes up for this one, and when I got the email and saw the 'just not right for us" phrase, I was disappointed.

But that didn't last. What I've read everywhere, is that, no matter what, writers write. And I've been writing. Hours and hours this week on edits for my book--including one plot change I'm excited about, as well as a new short story I just submitted.

Sitting around waiting for responses just doesn't work, and if you're not actively writing, then you're not a writer [at least if you're an amateur like me.] But I've been writing, the characters are anxious to keep the story moving forward and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel on this book.

Oh, and I have the spark of an idea for my next one...

Have a great weekend.

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